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  • $0.00 This is Add15Years’ another book on HIV that deals with the following topics: • Complete information about HIV virus • Symptoms of HIV infection • Different stages of HIV infection • Severity of HIV across the globe • Two biggest epidemics in the world’s historyAdd to cart
  • $0.00 This is Add15Years’ another book on HIV that deals with the following topics: • Complete information about HIV virus • Symptoms of HIV infection • Different stages of HIV infection • Severity of HIV across the globe • Two biggest epidemics in the world’s historyAdd to cart
  • $0.00 This is Add15Years’ another book on HIV that deals with the following topics: • Complete information about HIV virus • Symptoms of HIV infection • Different stages of HIV infection • Severity of HIV across the globe • Two biggest epidemics in the world’s historyAdd to cart
  • $0.00 இது 15 வருடங்களைச் சேர்க்கவும் ’ எச்.ஐ.வி யை கையாளும் பின்வரும் தலைப்புகளைக் கொண்ட  மற்றொரு புத்தகம்
    • எச்.ஐ.வி வைரஸ் பற்றிய முழுமையான தகவல்கள்
    • எச்.ஐ.வி நோய்த்தொற்றின் அறிகுறிகள்
    • எச்.ஐ.வி நோய்த்தொற்றின் வெவ்வேறு கட்டங்கள்
    • உலகம் முழுவதும் எச்.ஐ.வி தீவிரம்
    • உலக வரலாற்றில் இரண்டு மிகப்பெரிய தொற்றுநோய்கள்
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  • $0.00 This is Add15Years’ another book on HIV that deals with the following topics: • Complete information about HIV virus • Symptoms of HIV infection • Different stages of HIV infection • Severity of HIV across the globe • Two biggest epidemics in the world’s historyAdd to cart
  • $0.00 Este libro sobre el VIH aborda los siguientes temas:
    • Diferencia entre VIH y SIDA
    • Historia del VIH
    • Situaciones de alto riesgo para el VIH
    • Riesgo de VIH para profesionales de la salud / enfermeras / colegas
    • ¿Cómo se transmite el VIH?
    • Situaciones en las que nunca podrá contraer el VIH
    • VIH en 1970, 1980, 1990 y ahora en 2020
    • Precauciones de sentido común para evitar el VIH
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  • $0.00 As the title of books says how healthy are everyone wants to know how healthy are sugar substitutes. Everyone really wants to know should we consume sugar substitutes for weight loss and we also call them sweeteners. Its time as a physician with 40 years of experience in India and US we try to answer these questions.Add to cart
  • $0.00 As the title of books says how healthy are everyone wants to know how healthy are sugar substitutes. Everyone really wants to know should we consume sugar substitutes for weight loss and we also call them sweeteners. Its time as a physician with 40 years of experience in India and US we try to answer these questions.Add to cart
  • $0.00 As the title of books says how healthy are everyone wants to know how healthy are sugar substitutes. Everyone really wants to know should we consume sugar substitutes for weight loss and we also call them sweeteners. Its time as a physician with 40 years of experience in India and US we try to answer these questions.Add to cart
  • $0.00 As the title of books says how healthy are everyone wants to know how healthy are sugar substitutes. Everyone really wants to know should we consume sugar substitutes for weight loss and we also call them sweeteners. Its time as a physician with 40 years of experience in India and US we try to answer these questions.Add to cart
  • $0.00 As the title of books says how healthy are everyone wants to know how healthy are sugar substitutes. Everyone really wants to know should we consume sugar substitutes for weight loss and we also call them sweeteners. Its time as a physician with 40 years of experience in India and US we try to answer these questions.Add to cart
  • $0.00 As the title of books says how healthy are everyone wants to know how healthy are sugar substitutes. Everyone really wants to know should we consume sugar substitutes for weight loss and we also call them sweeteners. Its time as a physician with 40 years of experience in India and US we try to answer these questions.Add to cart
  • $0.00 As the title of books says how healthy are everyone wants to know how healthy are sugar substitutes. Everyone really wants to know should we consume sugar substitutes for weight loss and we also call them sweeteners. Its time as a physician with 40 years of experience in India and US we try to answer these questions.Add to cart
  • $0.00 As the title of books says how healthy are everyone wants to know how healthy are sugar substitutes. Everyone really wants to know should we consume sugar substitutes for weight loss and we also call them sweeteners. Its time as a physician with 40 years of experience in India and US we try to answer these questions.Add to cart
  • $0.00
    আমাদের শারীরিক ও মানসিক স্বাস্থ্য এবং আমাদের দীর্ঘজীবনের জন্য ভাল করে ঘুমোনো কতটা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তা সম্পর্কে প্রত্যেককেই ভালভাবে সচেতন হওয়া উচিত । এই বইটি ঘুমের প্রকল্পগুলির নীম্নলিখিত বিষয়গুলির উপর:
    •আমাদের আসলে কত ঘুম দরকার ?? •এন আর ই এম এবং আর ই এম ঘুমের চক্রের পর্যায় •যখন আমরা ঘুমোয় কী হয় ?? •ঘুমের অভাবে আমাদের কী হতে পারে? •অনিদ্রার লক্ষণ এবং এটি মোকাবেলার উপায় •রাতে ভাল ঘুমের জন্য কি করা উচিত •বার্ধক্য, ভ্রমণ, জেটল্যাগইত্যাদির উপরে ঘুমের প্রভাব
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  • $0.00 Everyone should be well aware about the importance of good sleep for our physical health, mental health, and for our long life. This book on sleep projects upon the following points:
    • The amount of sleep we really need
    • Stages of NREM and REM sleep cycles
    • Things happen to us during sleep
    • Harmful effects caused by lack of sleep
    • Insomnia symptoms and ways to deal with it
    • Recommendations to get good night sleep
    • Effects of factors like aging, travelling, jetlag etc. on sleep
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  • $0.00 நமது உடல் ஆரோக்கியம், மன ஆரோக்கியம் மற்றும் நம் நீண்ட ஆயுளுக்கு நல்ல தூக்கத்தின் முக்கியத்துவத்தைப் பற்றி அனைவரும் நன்கு அறிந்திருக்க வேண்டும். பின்வரும் விஷயங்களில் தூக்க திட்டங்ககுறித்து  இந்த புத்தகம் உள்ளது :
    • நமக்கு உண்மையில் தேவைப்படும் தூக்கத்தின் அளவு
    • NREM மற்றும் REM தூக்க சுழற்சிகளின் நிலைகள்
    • தூக்கத்தின் போது நமக்கு விஷயங்கள் நடக்கும்
    • தூக்கமின்மையால் ஏற்படும் தீங்கு விளைவிக்கும் விளைவுகள்
    • தூக்கமின்மை அறிகுறிகள் மற்றும் அதைச் சமாளிக்கும் வழிகள்
    • நல்ல இரவு தூக்கம் பெற பரிந்துரைகள்
    • தூக்கம் மீது வயதான, பயணம், ஜெட்லாக் போன்ற காரணிகளின் விளைவுகள்
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  • $0.00 మన శారీరక ఆరోగ్యం, మానసిక ఆరోగ్యం మరియు మన సుదీర్ఘ జీవితానికి మంచి నిద్ర యొక్క ప్రాముఖ్యత గురించి ప్రతి ఒక్కరూ బాగా తెలుసుకోవాలి. ఈ క్రింది అంశాలపై నిద్ర ప్రాజెక్టులపై ఈ పుస్తకం:
    • మనకు నిజంగా అవసరమైన నిద్ర మొత్తం
    • NREM మరియు REM నిద్ర చక్రాల దశలు
    • నిద్రలో మనకు విషయాలు జరుగుతాయి
    • నిద్ర లేకపోవడం వల్ల కలిగే హానికరమైన ప్రభావాలు
    • నిద్రలేమి లక్షణాలు మరియు దానిని ఎదుర్కోవటానికి మార్గాలు
    • మంచి రాత్రి నిద్ర పొందడానికి సిఫార్సులు
    • నిద్ర మీద వృద్ధాప్యం, ప్రయాణం, జెట్‌లాగ్ మొదలైన అంశాల ప్రభావాలు
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