Imagine if you end up being a mother not by your choice.
Will, you be able to bear the trauma on your mental health, physical health and your relationship?
Being a mother is the most beautiful feeling in this world!
Pregnancy among young girls is a common global issue.
At times they are not even mentally, physically, financially ready for it.
Most of the time young girls do not even know about the choices or simple precautionary measures that they should adopt to prevent themselves from unwanted pregnancy.
Not only young girls but every woman should be aware of the ways of preventing unwanted pregnancy.
They should be educated about the choices available for them to enable them to make the correct choice.
This book is written to provide insight into all the choices available for young girls/women.
Gold Standard Blood Tests are suggested to be done every year starting at the age of 18 years till rest of life. Know why?
•This book explains the composition of blood.• It will give insight on importance of complete blood count (CBC)• Know the role of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets in our body.• Why White blood cells called the defensive army of our body?• What is the role of Hemoglobin or Hematocrit in diseases like Anemia and Leukemia.
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